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About us

Mikala Wade

Hi, I’m Mikala Wade. I was born and raised and still reside in Indianapolis. I’m a wife, and busy mom of three young children. I’m obsessed with all thing’s health and fitness. My fitness journey began back in June of 2017 after my first child was born. During that pregnancy I had gained 90 pounds and developed severe sciatica. I knew something needed to change. I was embarrassed and shocked at how quickly my health had gone downhill. I was unable to even walk a mile without being in excruciating pain. I knew I needed to stick to a program, I knew this wasn’t going to be solved overnight. I was willing to put in the hard work to get better. I began to exercise consistently and learn how to cook. The weight came off slowly but surely. I had 2 more kids and have managed to keep the weight off for 6 years now! Fitness is a part of my lifestyle and I love it. It doesn’t have to be hard just consistent. I still have days where I don’t want to show up but then I remember the alternative. and I want to be a mama that is healthy enough to enjoy playing with my kids. I don’t want to be the mom that has to sit and can’t move.
I became a certified personal trainer in April of 2021 while I was pregnant with my third child. I worked at the YMCA as a personal trainer and loved every minute of it! I homeschool my kids so being home is something that is important to our family during this stage of life. Thats when I decided to start personal training online.
When I’m not working out, or homeschooling the kids, I love to go hiking and camping in the Indy area. There is so much to explore here! I really enjoy doing all the local museums and enjoying what this city has to offer from close to home, that way everyone is back in their own beds at the end of the night! I am obsessed with coffee! I am definitely a coffee over tea kind of girl.

I am a health food junkie. I was a vegetarian for 8 years and vegan for 1 year. Don’t worry I won’t try to convince you give up meat. I eat meat now, but I credit my love for veggies and knowing how to prepare them in a tasty way to the near decade I lived off of them! I love to cook and have learned many lazy hacks in the kitchen during this health journey that I love to share over on Facebook and Instagram. Finding easy simple meals has been essential to my progress.

I am most passionate about helping busy mamas learn how to work out. Because when you take care of you, it gets a little bit easier to take care of them. Having young children can make it challenging to find time to work out and eat healthy but I have figured out ways to make it work and I want to help you find solutions too. I am a personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I would love to help you achieve your health and fitness goals, Apply today!

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